Clubs Events
Clubs at The Scarab Club
The Scarab Club sponsored a series of “clubs-within-a club,” for artists who are interested in learning more about a specific medium. These groups are designed to bring together artists of all levels who are interested in seeing work by other artists, discussing approaches and techniques, and building friendships.
Sketch Sessions
The Sketch Sessions are a members-only subset of the Scarab Club’s popular sketch sessions. Members of the Sketch Club have unlimited access and priority to register for sketch sessions. In addition, special events are planned for Sketch Club members. Sketch meets at The Scarab Club every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
FOCUS Photography Group
Focus is a new version of our traditional photography group. The group is open to any area photographer and welcomes artists at every level of expertise or interest. At their monthly meetings, Focus participants pursue a group project, hear a presentation from a seasoned photographer, or share examples of their own work.